괴기물 작가 영어로
- Weird fiction writers
- 작가: 작가 [作家]1 [소설가] a novelist;
- 괴기물 괴기물: Weird fiction
- 괴기: 괴기 [怪奇] (a) mystery; (a) wonder. ~하다 weird; grotesque; bizarre; mysterious. ~한 조각 a grotesque sculpture. 복잡 ~한 사건 a complicated and inscrutable affair.▷ 괴기 소설 a mystery[spook] story; a thriller.
- 기물: 기물 [器物] [용기] a receptacle; a container; [특히 액체를 담는 것] a vessel; [기구] a utensil; an implement; [가구] furniture.▷ 기물 훼손 (a charge of) damaging.
- 괴기 게임: Weird fiction video games
- 괴기한: outre; quirky; far-fetched; acentric; surrealistic; eccentric; outlandish; obstreperous; zany; freaky; excentric; off-the-wall; queerious; knockabout; grotesque
- 괴기소설: Weird fiction novels
- 괴기영화: horror film
- 고기물: matter; artefact; product; thing; antique; article; commodity; production; artifact
- 무기물: mineral
- 유기물: Organic matter
- 인기물: clou
- 체스 기물: Table chess pieces
- 폐기물: 폐기물 [廢棄物] waste (matter); wastes. 미처리 ~ untreated waste (matter). 방사성 ~ radioactive waste matter[products] / atomic waste. 산업 ~ industrial waste (products).▷ 폐기물 처리 (원자로의) disposal of (radioactive)
- 필기물: physical material; matter